Monday, September 1, 2008

Can You Handle Success?

In my search and constant effort for success, I've come across a saying that rings true to me and has laid the foundation for a successful mindset. It says "You will only ever make as much money as you are willing to be responsible for." This is synonomous with the Biblical saying "He'll never put more on us that we can bear." Like most Biblical quotes, this has been taken out of context. So my question to you is, can you handle success?

Many people WISH for success. They wish for more money, more luxuries, more free time, more time with their kids and the ability to travel. Or they wish for more friends, more fame, a larger business with more customers, etc. But have you stopped and asked yourself, am I willing to handle all of that? A Mercedes-Benz requires more effort (and money) to maintain than a Corolla. A corporation like Microsoft requires more to maintian than your local Mom & Pop diner. I have an immense respect for celebrities when looking through this new frame of reference. It takes a completely different mindset to do what they do. Just like it takes a different mindset to go from earning $30,000 a year to $1,000,000 a year. You can't remain the same person and expect different results. Einstein called this insanity. Now you may be saying to yourself, this is obvious, but you may be suprised at how easily most people miss this basic concept. People seem to try to build the house without laying the foundation first and wonder why the house falls under the slightest wind.

Life will beat the crap out of you, as any entrepreneur or person that demands more out of their life will tell you. It's like there's some unwritten rule that you must go through hell before you experience greatness. If you truly understand the concept stated above, you won't be afraid of these trials as you face them and go through them. Going from low ground to high ground ALWAYS requires effort but the view is much better at the top. What doesn't kill you... Until next time. Have a Great Day, because you Deserve it.
