Many people often mistake humbleness as a sign of weakness. These same people very often are not successful themselves. First rule: never listen to the general population if you want to achieve something great! To truly be humble, takes more strength than they could ever imagine. Socrates said The man who knows something, knows that he knows nothing at all. This is humbleness bottled up and handed to you. The person that wants to achieve anything in life realizes two things. One, that they must take massive, unstoppable action, and two, they must get help. Often, when people try to go at it alone, they fail. You are but one person in 6 Billion that takes up one square foot on a planet with a land area of 549,000,000,000,000,000 square feet, on a planet that is orbiting a star that is one of 100 Billion in the galaxy. You will live an average of 75 years on a planet that is 4.5 Billion years old. So if one year equaled a millimeter, your life would be 75 millimeters on a distance from here to Venus. You get the picture. You're pretty small. But one person has the ability to harness the power of an atom, change the course of a river, put a man on the moon, or build the great pyramids. The key to those examples is that they all required Teamwork. One person was powerful enough to have the idea and bring it to life, but humble enough to realize they couldn't do it alone. It's this mixture of humbleness and confidence that are such a lethal mix when it comes to success.
Confidence without humbleness is arrogance. You know these people. They aren't in power very long. Humbleness without confidence is a push over. You know these people. They get no respect. You have to have the confidence in your mission while being humble enough to realize you neither know every aspect of how to get it done, nor can you do it alone. Great leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Jesus, Mahatma Ghandi, Mohammed, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, all were very humble men that made historic impacts on our history. Think about that the next time you want to poke your chest out for finishing an assignment on time! Well I don't want this to get too long. Tune in tomorrow for Humility part 2. There's another aspect of Humility in leadership I would like to share with you. Until then, Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!