Sunday, August 24, 2008

Being Consistent Consistenly

As mentioned last night, I'm back tonight to speak on consistency. More directly, on discipline. Put simply, Life Rewards Discipline. A definition of discipline says it is executing the prescribed activity no matter what. Even and especially when it's difficult. Lack of or practice of discipline is one of the skills that separates leaders from followers. Achievers from Dreamers and Do'ers from Wishers.

Jim Rohn said Success is neither magical mor mysterious, but the simple result of a few disciplines applied and repeated daily. Any successful person will tell you that you must complete a discipline that will result in your desired outcome on a daily and consistent basis. To be successful at anything, you must work at it daily. The quote by Jim Rohn perfectly ties together the relationship between discipline and consistency. They are closely tied together, but success can not exist without a combination of them both. If you have not achieved what you want to achieve in your life, ask yourself, which disciplines are embodied by those who have achieved what you want to acheive. Find out what it is they do, and do it daily and consistenly. I know it sounds easier than it is but you'd be suprised at how this simple formula will change your life. That's it for now. Come back tomorrow as I begin my series on Humility. Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!
