Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Nature of the Beast
These are some introspective thoughts that have recently crossed my mind...
The longer I live, the more I realize it was just not meant for me to be an employee. I have a hard time falling in line and following directions blindly. I'm too much of an independent thinker. It seems I continually put my aspirations and goals over that of the organization. Thus, I have very little initiative for doing things I don't want to do but I have all the Drive in the world to accomplish what I want. How can I be an effective employer if I can't relate to the employee mindset? If I cant empathize with them? Looking at myself and others, I've outlined something I need to have in my employees. The jobs I hire people for have to mean more to them that just a paycheck. The jobs need to be what they're passionate about or have some type of incentive to have an initiative...which can be costly. They need to be self-starting and at the same time they need to be selfless and good teamworkers. They should be able to demonstrate where they put the needs of the group over themselves. I've come up with the picture of the perfect employee through looking at myself and analyzing the skills and qualities I like and dislike about myself. I thought for a long time that in order to be a General, you had to be a good Solider first. But if you're a solider with a General mindset, it's just not the place for you to be. There's no need for me to fight my nature any longer. It's just the Nature of the Beast to be uncaged.
If this sounds like you and you want to work with me with the serious possibility of making six figures in the next year. Go to
and I will contact you shortly for an interview. Until next time...Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!
Friday, August 29, 2008
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth...Part 2
As we left off in our last post about Humility, I wanted to continue this post about the subject and how it pertains to Leadership. I spoke about, and I hope you understand by now, the importance of Humbleness for a leader and how it should be mixed with confidence for the best results. Another aspect of Humility is it's binding power.
Humility has the power to hold a household or an organization together. Think back to your own family and think of who's the binding glue that holds that family together. Sometimes it may be the grandmother, or the mother, or the father. Now think of the traits they embodied and I'm willing to bet you they were one of the most humble people you knew. Humility holds people for the simple reason that it checks pride. People who get puffed up about a disagreement or if things don't necessarily go their way, will continually be disappointed in life because they are too proud.
People say money is the root of all evil, but the truth and heart of this is that PRIDE is root of all evil. Pride can be defined as the belief in your self worth. This sense of self worth needs to be balanced. If not, it can easily get out of hand. People desire to possess more than they need because their pride tells them they are worth more than they are and that they deserve it. People fight back vigorously over superfluous issues because their Pride has told them they shouldn't put up with such nonsense. People kill, lie, and cheat because their Pride has in some way justified their actions. It's no mistake that Pride is one of the 7 Forbidden sins. If you're a believer of the Bible, it's the reason Satan was cast from Heaven. His Pride told him he was equal to God. God had to cast him out. The first commandment, Thou shall have No other God before me (including yourself)...a statement to check your pride. And if you don't believe in the Bible, you can take this parable as a lesson that those with too much pride, suffer dire consequences.
Like all things in life, there has to be a balance between Pride and Humility. While Pride will drive you to achieve more in your life, Humility will act as a check for us when our heads get too big. Pride will drive people away, Humility will bring them in. It allows you to say, I'm Sorry, or I Was Wrong. Pride allows you to find a list of tasks that need to be done, Humility allows you to assign a task and give appreciation when the job is done correctly. Humility, will allow you empathize with someone to resolve a conflict. It also allows you to see a realistic way of achieving your goals. If you ever read the book How To Win Friends and Influence People, the entire concept of successful interpersonal communication is based on Humility. These are just a few examples of what Humility can do for you. Can you think of any more? I hope this was helpful and you learned something today. Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!
Humility has the power to hold a household or an organization together. Think back to your own family and think of who's the binding glue that holds that family together. Sometimes it may be the grandmother, or the mother, or the father. Now think of the traits they embodied and I'm willing to bet you they were one of the most humble people you knew. Humility holds people for the simple reason that it checks pride. People who get puffed up about a disagreement or if things don't necessarily go their way, will continually be disappointed in life because they are too proud.
People say money is the root of all evil, but the truth and heart of this is that PRIDE is root of all evil. Pride can be defined as the belief in your self worth. This sense of self worth needs to be balanced. If not, it can easily get out of hand. People desire to possess more than they need because their pride tells them they are worth more than they are and that they deserve it. People fight back vigorously over superfluous issues because their Pride has told them they shouldn't put up with such nonsense. People kill, lie, and cheat because their Pride has in some way justified their actions. It's no mistake that Pride is one of the 7 Forbidden sins. If you're a believer of the Bible, it's the reason Satan was cast from Heaven. His Pride told him he was equal to God. God had to cast him out. The first commandment, Thou shall have No other God before me (including yourself)...a statement to check your pride. And if you don't believe in the Bible, you can take this parable as a lesson that those with too much pride, suffer dire consequences.
Like all things in life, there has to be a balance between Pride and Humility. While Pride will drive you to achieve more in your life, Humility will act as a check for us when our heads get too big. Pride will drive people away, Humility will bring them in. It allows you to say, I'm Sorry, or I Was Wrong. Pride allows you to find a list of tasks that need to be done, Humility allows you to assign a task and give appreciation when the job is done correctly. Humility, will allow you empathize with someone to resolve a conflict. It also allows you to see a realistic way of achieving your goals. If you ever read the book How To Win Friends and Influence People, the entire concept of successful interpersonal communication is based on Humility. These are just a few examples of what Humility can do for you. Can you think of any more? I hope this was helpful and you learned something today. Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth
One word I don't hear tossed around this industry enough that is key to success in any endeavor is the word Humble. There's a quote that says you can have anything in this world, as long as you aren't willing to take credit for it. This is a tough pill to swallow for most people, but let me tell you why Humility is your most powerful weapon when it comes to success in life.
Many people often mistake humbleness as a sign of weakness. These same people very often are not successful themselves. First rule: never listen to the general population if you want to achieve something great! To truly be humble, takes more strength than they could ever imagine. Socrates said The man who knows something, knows that he knows nothing at all. This is humbleness bottled up and handed to you. The person that wants to achieve anything in life realizes two things. One, that they must take massive, unstoppable action, and two, they must get help. Often, when people try to go at it alone, they fail. You are but one person in 6 Billion that takes up one square foot on a planet with a land area of 549,000,000,000,000,000 square feet, on a planet that is orbiting a star that is one of 100 Billion in the galaxy. You will live an average of 75 years on a planet that is 4.5 Billion years old. So if one year equaled a millimeter, your life would be 75 millimeters on a distance from here to Venus. You get the picture. You're pretty small. But one person has the ability to harness the power of an atom, change the course of a river, put a man on the moon, or build the great pyramids. The key to those examples is that they all required Teamwork. One person was powerful enough to have the idea and bring it to life, but humble enough to realize they couldn't do it alone. It's this mixture of humbleness and confidence that are such a lethal mix when it comes to success.
Confidence without humbleness is arrogance. You know these people. They aren't in power very long. Humbleness without confidence is a push over. You know these people. They get no respect. You have to have the confidence in your mission while being humble enough to realize you neither know every aspect of how to get it done, nor can you do it alone. Great leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Jesus, Mahatma Ghandi, Mohammed, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, all were very humble men that made historic impacts on our history. Think about that the next time you want to poke your chest out for finishing an assignment on time! Well I don't want this to get too long. Tune in tomorrow for Humility part 2. There's another aspect of Humility in leadership I would like to share with you. Until then, Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!
Many people often mistake humbleness as a sign of weakness. These same people very often are not successful themselves. First rule: never listen to the general population if you want to achieve something great! To truly be humble, takes more strength than they could ever imagine. Socrates said The man who knows something, knows that he knows nothing at all. This is humbleness bottled up and handed to you. The person that wants to achieve anything in life realizes two things. One, that they must take massive, unstoppable action, and two, they must get help. Often, when people try to go at it alone, they fail. You are but one person in 6 Billion that takes up one square foot on a planet with a land area of 549,000,000,000,000,000 square feet, on a planet that is orbiting a star that is one of 100 Billion in the galaxy. You will live an average of 75 years on a planet that is 4.5 Billion years old. So if one year equaled a millimeter, your life would be 75 millimeters on a distance from here to Venus. You get the picture. You're pretty small. But one person has the ability to harness the power of an atom, change the course of a river, put a man on the moon, or build the great pyramids. The key to those examples is that they all required Teamwork. One person was powerful enough to have the idea and bring it to life, but humble enough to realize they couldn't do it alone. It's this mixture of humbleness and confidence that are such a lethal mix when it comes to success.
Confidence without humbleness is arrogance. You know these people. They aren't in power very long. Humbleness without confidence is a push over. You know these people. They get no respect. You have to have the confidence in your mission while being humble enough to realize you neither know every aspect of how to get it done, nor can you do it alone. Great leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Jesus, Mahatma Ghandi, Mohammed, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, all were very humble men that made historic impacts on our history. Think about that the next time you want to poke your chest out for finishing an assignment on time! Well I don't want this to get too long. Tune in tomorrow for Humility part 2. There's another aspect of Humility in leadership I would like to share with you. Until then, Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Being Consistent Consistenly
As mentioned last night, I'm back tonight to speak on consistency. More directly, on discipline. Put simply, Life Rewards Discipline. A definition of discipline says it is executing the prescribed activity no matter what. Even and especially when it's difficult. Lack of or practice of discipline is one of the skills that separates leaders from followers. Achievers from Dreamers and Do'ers from Wishers.
Jim Rohn said Success is neither magical mor mysterious, but the simple result of a few disciplines applied and repeated daily. Any successful person will tell you that you must complete a discipline that will result in your desired outcome on a daily and consistent basis. To be successful at anything, you must work at it daily. The quote by Jim Rohn perfectly ties together the relationship between discipline and consistency. They are closely tied together, but success can not exist without a combination of them both. If you have not achieved what you want to achieve in your life, ask yourself, which disciplines are embodied by those who have achieved what you want to acheive. Find out what it is they do, and do it daily and consistenly. I know it sounds easier than it is but you'd be suprised at how this simple formula will change your life. That's it for now. Come back tomorrow as I begin my series on Humility. Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!
Jim Rohn said Success is neither magical mor mysterious, but the simple result of a few disciplines applied and repeated daily. Any successful person will tell you that you must complete a discipline that will result in your desired outcome on a daily and consistent basis. To be successful at anything, you must work at it daily. The quote by Jim Rohn perfectly ties together the relationship between discipline and consistency. They are closely tied together, but success can not exist without a combination of them both. If you have not achieved what you want to achieve in your life, ask yourself, which disciplines are embodied by those who have achieved what you want to acheive. Find out what it is they do, and do it daily and consistenly. I know it sounds easier than it is but you'd be suprised at how this simple formula will change your life. That's it for now. Come back tomorrow as I begin my series on Humility. Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Where a Good Enough Attitude Will Get You...
Mediocrity and Complacency are among the worse enemies of mankind's ambition for greatness. The fact and desire to settle will extinguish a fire faster than anything else. Yet, to be great in this world, one must always battle with this beast that says things are "Good Enough". Indeed, gravity permeates our lives in more ways than the physical. The pull of gravity is experienced when we try to leave our friends, when we try to access more money, when we try to "move up the ladder", and when we try to better ourselves as people. This pull of gravity is what I've labeled as the Good Enough Factor. The Good Enough Factor is evident all around you. Look at the family who's lived in a town for generations, or the person that's been in middle management for 20 years. Look at yourself and what part of your life have you been stuck at for longer than you've expected. Then ask yourself, what have I genuinely done to escape this gravity? Ask yourself, am I victim of the Good Enough Factor? It is true that attitude, which is formed by belief, is a large factor in determining one's altitude. That being said, a Good Enough Attitude will only get you a Good Enough Life. If it is in you to strive for excellence, there are a number of things you need to do, but one of the first is to get rid of your Good Enough Attitude and adopt an Excellence Attitude. Stop settling for your circumstances and begin to live your life on purpose. Socrates said, we are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, then is a habit. An attitude is formed from a belief which has to be inbeded in the sub-conscious, but I'll go into that on another post. Strive for an Excellence Attitude and you will experience and Excellent Life! That's all for now. Come back tomorrow for more on Consistency. Have a Great Day, because you Deserve it!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Fish In a Larger Pond
Here's a business analogy I ran across recently. You are a fisherman in a small pond with lots of other fishermen. Everyone is making their bait the best looking, the best tasting, and most appealing to the fish. Some guy is selling "how to's" to make your bait the best. Over in the distance, you see a large pond with very few fishermen. Why is no one over there? The water looks just a good and so are the fish. Why not pick up your pole and fish in a larger, less fished pond instead of trying to change your bait a little in a saturated pond? The best part is, you don't even have to be a good fisherman in the other pond if you're the only fisherman over there.
Moral: Fish in a less saturated market and you don't have to be that good to really bring home the big fish.
Sometimes the answer to catching bigger fish isn't changing your bait or getting a bigger net. In an oversaturated market, you can spend loads of money on marketing and endless hours of frustration only to get a trickle of business, or you can pick up your pole, find your own unsaturated niche or marketing strategy, be the first in that market, and really clean house.
Best of Luck in your business and in life. Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!
Moral: Fish in a less saturated market and you don't have to be that good to really bring home the big fish.
Sometimes the answer to catching bigger fish isn't changing your bait or getting a bigger net. In an oversaturated market, you can spend loads of money on marketing and endless hours of frustration only to get a trickle of business, or you can pick up your pole, find your own unsaturated niche or marketing strategy, be the first in that market, and really clean house.
Best of Luck in your business and in life. Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!
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