Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To Be or Not To Be...An Entrepreneur

This particular blog will give you an overview of the true principle to success. Most of what I write about in this blog will be centered around this. And when you read my book, Lambs to Lions, it'll be centered around this concept as well. All the other mental shifts I speak about stem from this concept first.

In my company, we call it the Be, Do, Have principle. It's a statement of three verbs that absolutely changed my life. Stop and ask yourself...who am I? Who am I Being? Are you Being the person or entrepreneur you want to be? If not, you should stop what you are doing, take a good long hard look at yourself and make some adjustments. Whoever you are Being in this moment is resulting in the reality that you now face.

Many people attack this from the wrong end. They'll state, I don't Have _____ so I can't Do or Be _______. I myself have fallen into this trap before. I would say, I don't have the money, so I can't buy this program, or launch this marketing campaign today. A true entrepreneur doesn't let such things stop them. I now realize that if I want the results, I must first do the actions, but I must first Be the person that gets those results. Such a paradigm shift has led me to be more creative and use resources I never thought of in the past. I've attracted people and possibilities never before imagined that have allowed me to reach my goals much faster. All because I stopped focusing on the Have and started focusing on the Being. I spoke in my last blog about excuseses. So what excuses for you Haves have you let stand in your way of success? Ok, that's it for today. Remember, start Being the entrepreneur Today! Read autobiographies and other books on the topic of your choice and mimic the leaders.

Start Being the entrepreneur and unlocking possibilities to the lifestyle and income of your dreams by going to Watch my video, read through the site, and leave your information. I'll get back to you shortly. Have a Great Day, because you Deserve it!
