In my research, I've learned the people make decisions based on two things. To either Avoid Pain or Aquire Pleasure. The avoidance of pain is basically where Fear stems from. And like most things in life, Fear can be a double edged sword. There's good Fear and bad Fear. Good Fear keeps you safe. It tells you not to run in the street or drive into a building. Fear is bad whenever it paralyzes you from accomplishing something. Fear is often described as False Evidence Appearing Real. This is true when there's an assumed fear like monsters under the bed, financial ruin if you make an investment, or asking someone you are attracted to out on a date. The best ways to overcome these fears are to learn what you can about them and just Act and Act swiftly. It seems the world responds better to a person that moves with Speed and Purpose rather than someone that moves Slowly and Unfocused.
I'm not here to tell you that all fear is an illusion. Some fear is real, but you can't let that stop you if you plan on achieving greater things in your life. The Avoidance of Pain can not outweight the Aquisition of Pleasure when it comes to success. Because there will be Pain along the way, I can guarantee it. It's the price any person has to pay for success. These bumps and bruises, headaches and sleepless nights are a part of the journey. So is failure. Success without struggle isn't worth having.
These headaches are a good thing though. They teach you the lessons necessary to handle such success. They are the bricks and mortar that build your house in which you and your family will dwell. Without them, your house would crumble. Three Little Pigs come to mind? That's a good story that teaches the value of hard work. So don't fret the struggle or shy away from it. It's all apart of the journey that EVERY successful person had to go through. And often, the greater the success, the harder it was to get there, but the view is SO much greater. So you have to ask yourself, will my Avoidance of Pain outway the desire to Acquire Pleasure? And if so, how much pain am I willing to take to get to where I want? I hope this was helpful. Don't forget to stop by my site at and if you want to work with me, fill in the information box below and I will get back to you shortly. Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!