Saturday, September 13, 2008

Can You See Your Goals?

One technique I've practiced and has helped immensely is a combination of goal setting and visualizations. An internet marketing guru named Mike Dillard said in his book to post the number $10,000 around your house, in your wallet, and wherever you can see on a daily basis. This is to represent what you will eventually spend per month on advertising. He says that eventually, you will become obsessed with this number and when you do, you will become uncomfortable with the fact that you are not spending that much on advertising. You will find ways to do so by growing your business to that point. This is similar to a technique described in Think and Grow Rich, where Napoleon Hill describes this as creating a burning desire for a monetary amount.

I started out with $10,000 like Mike suggested. I posted it on my white board right above my desk in my home office where I could see it regularly. I wrote it on my goal card that I keep in my wallet. Eventually, like they said, I dreamed of living a $10,000 a month lifestyle. I thought of $10,000 all the time. Within a matter of days (it may take longer for some) my mind became accostumed to it. Suddenly, small dollar amounts like $60, $200, and even $1,500 seemed like nothing to me as I beleived I was making $10,000 a month. I even began to have $10,000 ideas and the path to making that kind of money opened up for me. If I ever faced a tough decision, I asked myself, "What would I do if I were the person making $10,000 a month?" and the answers became very clear to me. I haven't made $10,000 a month yet, but I know it's only a matter of time (pretty soon actually). With this technique firmly in my back pocket, the path to untold wealth and achievement lay before me. Whenever I want to move to the next stage in my life, I simply have to write it out, focus on it, my subconcious will get the message, and just go on living my life. I will move up naturally (there will be some effort involved, read my blog "Why Headaches Are a Good Thing..."). A crucial step in this whole process is that you have to Believe that it's possible. If you fight the image with a negative feeling or feeling of disbelief whenever you reflect on your goal, the exercise it pointless. It's like ordering a Big Mac with Diet Pepsi so you'll feel good about yourself.

Many people end their lives not happy and full of regret. They didn't accomplish what they wanted to accomplish. But very often, they never set any firm goals with firm plans of achieving them. A goal without a plan is just a wish. Ambiguous goals return ambiguous results. You have to be VERY clear on what you want, and when you want to have it.

The technique outlined above goes for you as well when becoming the entrepreneur you want to be. Make a picture of the person you want to be and that person's surroundings. Write out what that peson has in their life on a daily basis. Put it where you can see it, focus on it, your subconcious will get the message, and you will attract it naturally.
You can start small, but you will see small results. Start big and you will see big results.

If you have big goals and you need a vehicle to take you there, visit: From there, you can also subscribe to my free Entrepreneur newsletter, where I go into more depth on some of the principles I touch on in my blog. I chose the pic above because it reminded me of myself when I was young, lol. That's it for today...Have a Great Day, because you Deserve it!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To Be or Not To Be...An Entrepreneur

This particular blog will give you an overview of the true principle to success. Most of what I write about in this blog will be centered around this. And when you read my book, Lambs to Lions, it'll be centered around this concept as well. All the other mental shifts I speak about stem from this concept first.

In my company, we call it the Be, Do, Have principle. It's a statement of three verbs that absolutely changed my life. Stop and ask yourself...who am I? Who am I Being? Are you Being the person or entrepreneur you want to be? If not, you should stop what you are doing, take a good long hard look at yourself and make some adjustments. Whoever you are Being in this moment is resulting in the reality that you now face.

Many people attack this from the wrong end. They'll state, I don't Have _____ so I can't Do or Be _______. I myself have fallen into this trap before. I would say, I don't have the money, so I can't buy this program, or launch this marketing campaign today. A true entrepreneur doesn't let such things stop them. I now realize that if I want the results, I must first do the actions, but I must first Be the person that gets those results. Such a paradigm shift has led me to be more creative and use resources I never thought of in the past. I've attracted people and possibilities never before imagined that have allowed me to reach my goals much faster. All because I stopped focusing on the Have and started focusing on the Being. I spoke in my last blog about excuseses. So what excuses for you Haves have you let stand in your way of success? Ok, that's it for today. Remember, start Being the entrepreneur Today! Read autobiographies and other books on the topic of your choice and mimic the leaders.

Start Being the entrepreneur and unlocking possibilities to the lifestyle and income of your dreams by going to Watch my video, read through the site, and leave your information. I'll get back to you shortly. Have a Great Day, because you Deserve it!


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Start Being Responsible

Another key element on this mental journey is the concept of responsibility. Look at your friends and family, and possibly yourself, and ask yourself, how many people do you know TRULY take responsibility for their actions? If you listen to the average conversation of people, they speak about the negative in their lives and who they blame for it. Oh, the economy sucks so I can't find a better job, gas prices are too high so we can't take that road trip, my boss hates me and won't give me a raise or that promotion I deserve, traffic was horrible so I was late for work this morning, and the list goes on. So based on these examples why are there more millionaires each year than the year before? Why has Disney experienced a growth in tourism this year? Why are some industries and companies thriving while others are going under? Why are YOU and your business suffering?

A lesson I learned from my fraternity that has stuck with me since was a quote about Excuses. It says "Excuses are tools of incompetence that build monuments of nothingness and those that specialize in them, seldom do well at anything." There are many different variations to this but they all point to the same truth. That truth is that those who fail to be responsible for their short comings will fail to be responsible for their success because they go Hand in Hand.

Taking responsibility of what goes on in your life goes further than just owning up to your failures and weaknesses, but it's a proactive position that entrepreneurs take on their life. Instead of looking on the outside and placing the blame for where you are in your life on your circumstances, ask yourself what decisions did I make to get me where I am. Because we all know the truth is that we are the sum value of our choices and experiences. What can you change internally that will affect your external circumstances? Maybe you need to read that book on marketing, or take that course in business ownership. Maybe you need to continue reading this blog for a complete mental shift on how you look at the world to see some changes, ha ha. There's more to be had in life is you are willing to be responsible for it. Take your next step in responsibility and go to Have a Great Day, because you Deserve it!

Mitchell Graves

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why Headaches are a Good thing...

In my research, I've learned the people make decisions based on two things. To either Avoid Pain or Aquire Pleasure. The avoidance of pain is basically where Fear stems from. And like most things in life, Fear can be a double edged sword. There's good Fear and bad Fear. Good Fear keeps you safe. It tells you not to run in the street or drive into a building. Fear is bad whenever it paralyzes you from accomplishing something. Fear is often described as False Evidence Appearing Real. This is true when there's an assumed fear like monsters under the bed, financial ruin if you make an investment, or asking someone you are attracted to out on a date. The best ways to overcome these fears are to learn what you can about them and just Act and Act swiftly. It seems the world responds better to a person that moves with Speed and Purpose rather than someone that moves Slowly and Unfocused.

I'm not here to tell you that all fear is an illusion. Some fear is real, but you can't let that stop you if you plan on achieving greater things in your life. The Avoidance of Pain can not outweight the Aquisition of Pleasure when it comes to success. Because there will be Pain along the way, I can guarantee it. It's the price any person has to pay for success. These bumps and bruises, headaches and sleepless nights are a part of the journey. So is failure. Success without struggle isn't worth having.

These headaches are a good thing though. They teach you the lessons necessary to handle such success. They are the bricks and mortar that build your house in which you and your family will dwell. Without them, your house would crumble. Three Little Pigs come to mind? That's a good story that teaches the value of hard work. So don't fret the struggle or shy away from it. It's all apart of the journey that EVERY successful person had to go through. And often, the greater the success, the harder it was to get there, but the view is SO much greater. So you have to ask yourself, will my Avoidance of Pain outway the desire to Acquire Pleasure? And if so, how much pain am I willing to take to get to where I want? I hope this was helpful. Don't forget to stop by my site at and if you want to work with me, fill in the information box below and I will get back to you shortly. Have a Great Day because you Deserve it!


Monday, September 1, 2008

Can You Handle Success?

In my search and constant effort for success, I've come across a saying that rings true to me and has laid the foundation for a successful mindset. It says "You will only ever make as much money as you are willing to be responsible for." This is synonomous with the Biblical saying "He'll never put more on us that we can bear." Like most Biblical quotes, this has been taken out of context. So my question to you is, can you handle success?

Many people WISH for success. They wish for more money, more luxuries, more free time, more time with their kids and the ability to travel. Or they wish for more friends, more fame, a larger business with more customers, etc. But have you stopped and asked yourself, am I willing to handle all of that? A Mercedes-Benz requires more effort (and money) to maintain than a Corolla. A corporation like Microsoft requires more to maintian than your local Mom & Pop diner. I have an immense respect for celebrities when looking through this new frame of reference. It takes a completely different mindset to do what they do. Just like it takes a different mindset to go from earning $30,000 a year to $1,000,000 a year. You can't remain the same person and expect different results. Einstein called this insanity. Now you may be saying to yourself, this is obvious, but you may be suprised at how easily most people miss this basic concept. People seem to try to build the house without laying the foundation first and wonder why the house falls under the slightest wind.

Life will beat the crap out of you, as any entrepreneur or person that demands more out of their life will tell you. It's like there's some unwritten rule that you must go through hell before you experience greatness. If you truly understand the concept stated above, you won't be afraid of these trials as you face them and go through them. Going from low ground to high ground ALWAYS requires effort but the view is much better at the top. What doesn't kill you... Until next time. Have a Great Day, because you Deserve it.
